Intigriti's Vulnerability Disclosure Program

Get ahead with Intigriti capture

As technology evolves, keeping up with vulnerability disclosures becomes harder. Help your team stay ahead of incidents in a managed, structured way, leveraging the power of the Intigriti platform.

Set up Intigriti capture today!
Our clients include

The clear solution for vulnerability management. 

Implementing a managed VDP demonstrates a commitment to safeguarding your digital assets. Intigriti capture offers a great range of features, including:

  • Capture vulnerability submissions in one place. 

  • Manage vulnerability disclosures with templates and automated workflows.

  • Analytics to continuously improve your organisation's security posture.


Uncover threats 

Allow submissions from security researchers.

Be compliant 

Develop audit procedures while complying with ever-changing regulations. 

A single truth

Manage all your vulnerability disclosures in one place. 

How does Intigriti capture work?

Create a policy on your website

Getting started with Intigriti capture is easy. Either add a link on your website or in your security.txt file.

Record everything in one place

If a security researcher finds a vulnerability, they can quickly log a report. This will send the security researcher to a program page outlining the legal framework and submission procedure.

Validate, triage and prioritize

Once the submission is in, you can prioritize the submission with the platform giving your team full visibility throughout the process.

Analyze and improve

Intigriti's dashboards make reporting and benchmarking your responses easy, enabling you to spot patterns and trends over time. 

Intigriti has the VDP solution for you

Whether you want a single place to manage your VDPs or you are looking for a more comprehensive solution

If you need a VDP but lack time or resources to validate your vulnerability disclosure submissions, our highly regarded and professional triage team can manage this for your organization - freeing you up to concentrate on the things that matter - with the assurance that your reported vulnerabilities are being addressed. 


The pathway to meeting your organisation's compliance needs

Our solution can simplify compliance processes required for ISO/IEC 27001, PCI DSS, NIST, and GDPR by providing a streamlined platform for you to receive and respond to security vulnerability reports safely and effectively.

By integrating our solution into your business operations, you're not just ticking off a compliance box but also fortifying your organization's security posture, thereby enhancing your reputation and earning the trust of stakeholders.

With Intigriti capture, compliance becomes less about adherence to regulations and more about boosting your business's credibility and resilience.

Sign-up for Intigriti capture today!


"The most important result of working with Intigriti is that it offers you tangible and actionable results that significantly increase your security posture."

Yannick Herrebaut
Cyber Reslilience Manager & CISO
Port of Antwerp